Monday, May 10, 2010

First Steps

Brian Turns One!

I can't believe little Brian turned one this past weekend. I'm sorry that I've been so bad about posting pictures and videos. Brian is such a special little guy. He is one of the happiest little guys you will ever meet. He is also our youngest at taking his first steps and I'll try to post some on that as well.

Blogger isn't letting me re-arrange the pictures the way I wanted. Oh well, the first picture is from this morning when Marcus and Brian (sporting his new B-day Jammies) were trying out Brian's new phone he got for his birthday.

Here are a few photos of Brian enjoying his cake. Remembering Tyler's first birthday, we are always relieved when one of our babies enjoys his birthday cake.

Brian Reacting to all the singing of Happy Birthday.

Brian showing off his skills on the new push along fire engine.

Now that he has figured out his balance and can even take a few steps, none of the boys toys are safe anymore.