Friday, June 27, 2008

A Final Ragnar Post

Okay, I am sure that many of you are sick of my Ragnar posts; however, it really was the most amazing experience. Truly something I won't forget. Here are a few final pics.

This was our home away from home for the adventure

Special thanks to the Farr family for loaning us their land yacht.

Matt and I putting on our Breathe Right strips...took Matt a couple of tries but eventually he figured out that you take the paper off and use the sticky part!
Back Row Day 2, be glad that pictures don't capture smells.Running with my glove like vest, headlamp & Sunglasses. STYLIN!Running with my hand out ready for water.
One leg down, 2 to go!


Matthew Hansen said...

How will I ever survive law school when I can't put breath strips on correctly?

That was so funny.

Hey, if it takes you and me 180 miles to do the ragnar, how many miles does it take a small person?

We had so much fun. Thanks for providing the opportunity! You are, as always, the man!

Melissa said...

I'm so proud of you and your team! What an amazing accomplishment that you will always treasure! Those last two pictures were kind of eery for me though because your legs reminded me so much of Carl's from his high school track days! Dejavu! Anyway - great job you cool running man!

Sarah said...

Hey Kent! Way to go on your run! What an impressive feat! I found your blog address on facebook and came to take a look although I must admit to reading (and loving) your fantastic Asia blogs shortly after our trip - I can't wait to read about the other days! :)