Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Visit from my "Blood" Brother

Seems crazy, but it was about 9 years ago that I was looking for a roommate for my junior year at BYU. I just happened to start talking to this wacked out West Virginian who was living in my complex, but surrounded by slobs. Well, that meeting literally turned the next two years of school on its head.
Dan Blood and I became roommates and did about everything together for the next two years. Of course, this stunk whenever we met new people. They would inevitably ask about our majors. Dan would say, "I'm studying Chemical Engineering." They would respond with "Wow, you must be smart." Then I would say I was studying Chinese and they would tilt their heads and say "what are you going to do with that?" I often felt like pulling out a stick and beating these people, but that would be impolite. So instead I would say, "Actually I'm the smart one, for all you know Dan here is failing out of Chemical Engineering."
Turns out they were right after all. Dan is a successful Nuclear Engineer working on the U.S. submarines (at least they better be our subs he is working on.) Meanwhile, the last time I spoke Chinese was just so Tyler wouldn't catch on that we were planning on putting him to bed a little early.
Dan and I really were a great pairing. We were even both born on April 8, "The Divine Day", and enjoyed nothing better than humor at our own expense. We were never the best looking duo in any of our wards. But on more than one occassion I was asked by a girl if I could get them a date with Dan because they heard our creative dates were a blast. Who knew dates that cost so little, like making boats to race downstream or marshmellow-gun wars at the park would be so fun.
Dan and I are both a little more grown up now. I still love hearing him tell stories of the crazies he taught in New York on his mission. I even think he still likes hearing me tell some of my "classic" missteps. This past week Dan and his beautiful wife and daughter were in town. It was so great seeing him again. You know you are really good friends when you can go a full six months without contact and pick right up where you left off without the need for apologies.
Dan is also still just as skinny as I am. Somehow the topic of the show "the Biggest Loser" came up and we both feel discriminated against. So, if anyone in TV show land is reading. You should seriously consider a show called, "The Great American Bulk Up." Dan and I would make great contestants.


T Fowler said...

Hey, can Greg join you on the "Great American Bulk Up"? Just Kidding. It's great to have such good friends and friendships that last over the years.

Melissa said...

Looks like you and Dan haven't changed too much! I was thinking, "Great American Bulk Up" sounds like a good concept, you should market that. Clayton could participate during the "Kids Special" one season. The show wouldn't require Chinese (unless you try an Asian market) but it might make you lots of money! If it does, just remember your supportive sister who was giving you the boost you needed to move things forward!

Heath said...

You even look alike! You are so funny. I love how you said, "I'm the smart one, for all you know he might be failing chemistry..." Fun Times!!! Chris is interested in the Great American Bulk Up!