So a few weeks back on Marcus' birthday, the 11th of November, we had a little birthday bash for our one-year-old. Marcus enjoyed his first birthday cake much more than Tyler had enjoyed his (no tears for Marcus). His cake was a cool football that Jamie made. She does a gre
at job of coming up with really cool cakes for our boys. They might still be a little young to really appreciate them, but they don't go unnoticed by the rest of us.
Marcus scored some great gifts. He got a couple of cute pairs of clothes (he is a boy therefore I refuse to call them "outfits"), a play cell phone, his first See and Say, a cool drum set, a tool box, some books, and I am sure I am forgetting something....sorry to those whose gift I didn't mention.
He is definately a cute and fun little boy. I just can't believe he is already one!
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