Thanks to my cousin Sarah we learned about this fantastic place to eat and get a great view of the city and lake Michigan. We saw the dinner menu and its very pricey so we recommend sticking with lunch (which is more reasonable).
Jamie and I really felt like high rollers eating at such a fancy establishment. I guess its good to get out of your comfort zone from time to time.
We followed up lunch with a walk over to the Navy Pier where we rented bikes and spent some time biking around and enjoying one of Lake Michigan's beaches. Jamie is definately in better biking shape than I am. We pedaled unt
Once that had us good and worn out we went to the Blue Man Group concert. Quite possibly the strangest concert experience you can possibly imagine. It was very entertaining, but Jamie and I walked away wondering what exactly it was we had just experienced.
All in all Chicago was a great vacation for Jamie and I. I am so grateful to mom and dad for watching our boys so we could have this time together.
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