Friday, August 25, 2006


TGIF, Thank Goodness Its Friday!

Tyler always looks forward to the weekend for at least three main reasons. First, the garbage truck comes on Fridays and Tyler LOVES seeing the garbage truck. Every other Friday the Recycle Truck comes too and those Fridays are better than some holidays as far as he is concerned.

The second reason Tyler loves weekends is because his dad is finally around for more than an hour here and there. We try to always do something fun like go to the park or something on Saturday to make sure it is a special day.

A third reason Tyler loves the weekend is because all the neighbors mow their lawns. Tyler is all boy and loves any machine that makes a lot of noise. He has suprising endurance in walking the rows with his dad "helping" to mow. We know that if all else fails he has a bright future as a Landscape Maintenance Engineer. (Notice how he is sticking his tongue out as he waves...isn't that also just like his dad as a boy!)

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend as much as I know that Tyler will.


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