My post begins with a story. Last Saturday Kirt Melling and his dad dropped me off at the Spudman triathlon transition area where Kirt would finish the swim and my bike would begin. They then headed off to the area where the swim would start. About a minute later, I realized in horror that I had left my helmet back at the Melling home. Race rules would prohibit me from racing without a helmet (not to mention it isn't a good idea for safety sake). I just about dropped an expletive when I made the discovery and, frankly, am pretty proud I held it in. Though I didn't drop to my knees in prayer, my mind was racing asking how it could work out for me to still race. I decided to walk out and see if I could hitch a ride with a local as the Mellings didn't live that far away. I had about 20 minutes before Kirt would begin to swim and figured it would take him another 20 minutes to complete the swim. I figured that worst of all, I could probably run to the Mellings and back in about 45 minutes, but I would be exhausted for the rest of the race and that would really stink.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
My Helmet Story: Tender Mercy or Coincidence
My post begins with a story. Last Saturday Kirt Melling and his dad dropped me off at the Spudman triathlon transition area where Kirt would finish the swim and my bike would begin. They then headed off to the area where the swim would start. About a minute later, I realized in horror that I had left my helmet back at the Melling home. Race rules would prohibit me from racing without a helmet (not to mention it isn't a good idea for safety sake). I just about dropped an expletive when I made the discovery and, frankly, am pretty proud I held it in. Though I didn't drop to my knees in prayer, my mind was racing asking how it could work out for me to still race. I decided to walk out and see if I could hitch a ride with a local as the Mellings didn't live that far away. I had about 20 minutes before Kirt would begin to swim and figured it would take him another 20 minutes to complete the swim. I figured that worst of all, I could probably run to the Mellings and back in about 45 minutes, but I would be exhausted for the rest of the race and that would really stink.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Spudman 2008 Recap
Jamie, who has really been doing an awesome job of keeping up with her workouts completed the entire race in 2 hours and 38 minutes. She killed her goal of 2:45! My time was 2 hours and 36 minutes and was also ahead of my goal time which was to finish. Fortunately for me, since my heat started about a half hour before hers, I got to cool down and still watch her at the finish line. It was pretty awesome watching her as she finished really strong and with an incredible time. (In the picture of her finishing, I am on the far left in blue cheering my wife to the finish, while clinging to the fence post for support.) To see a breakdown of our times click here and here.There were over 2,000 people who signed up for the race, and over 1,750 that actually competed. This included Jamie's sister Tracy (who rocked the race with a time of 2:55) and several others we knew.
The great thing about the Spudman is that the mile swim is in the Snake River so you get a little help from the current. Jamie flew down the river beating my time from last year by almost 3 minutes. The 25 mile bike course is pretty flat, and that is a good thing. Jamie toasted me on the bike, and I learned the hard way as I watched packs of racers fly by me that I should have done more bike work (I never rode for more than about 8 miles before the race...oops!). The bike course took us around the farmland of Burley and if my legs hadn't been yelling at me, I think I would have enjoyed the scene. Jamie, meanwhile, didn't even notice that there was a strong headwind and managed a pace of 20 mph throughout her ride. No wonder her legs have been looking so good lately! The run was a 10K loop that followed some of the canals around the farm. I felt pretty good on the run, considering my legs were so achy from the biking. In fact, I never got passed on the run and did a fair amount of passing. Of course, considering the hundreds that passed me on the bike it should be no surprise there was no one left behind me to pass me up.
One funny thing, as I was running by a guy, trying to be encouraging I said, "Great stride man." His response floored me and I almost burst out laughing. He said, "Don't patronize me, I recognize those hairy legs and must have passed you an hour ago on the bike!" My legs are pretty one-of-a-kind. Though my run time wasn't great for just a 10-k, considering I'd just done 25 miles of biking I was proud to have kept my average mile well under 8 minutes. The run is also the only part of the race where I was better than Jamie who is seriously in amazing shape.
Of course, our boys were also very proud of us. According to my mom they were as good as gold while we were gone. Special thanks to my parents for watching the boys so that Jamie and I could do this together. Tyler was a little disappointed when I told him that I didn't win the race; but I told him that his mom and I are definately winners just for doing so good. Not sure he totally bought it, but I tried.
One very unfortunate story that did put a bit of a damper on the event was that a Provo man passed away during the swim. I don't know a lot of the details, most of what I do know came from this article here.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Pioneer Day 2008
I do have more to add from that morning. Jamie wanted to get out and try an open water swim in preparation for our Spudman race on Saturday. So, we packed up the kids and went to Deer Creek where we met up with Jamie's sister, Tracy. They both swam and we had the kids out in little blow up rafts. Marcus loved throwing little rocks in the water and Tyler, of all things, enjoyed pulling me around the shoreline while I lounged in the boat. It was so great!
A Visit from my "Blood" Brother
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pool Party!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tyler's Water Belly
He spent the rest of the bedtime routine (brushing teeth, scriptures, prayer, story etc) taking pauses to swish his belly around and each time he did it his face would light up and he would giggle for a solid minute. What a little nut!
I'm sure this is one of those experiences that you sorta had to be there to really appreciate, but I know Jamie and I definately appreciated our little Water Belly Boy.
Here is a little video we took, I don't think we caught the actual sound of the belly very well. However, Tyler's reactions are pretty great.(You can sorta make it out one of the times, but trust us, it was, indeed, pretty loud).
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Belated 4th of July Post
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Memory Game Craze
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
A Dose of Perspective
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Lehi Round Up Parade
When we were all done with the route on Friday night, Melissa asked if I might be willing to help out the next day. When I told Tyler he could ride on the float again he exclaimed, "I love Parades!"
Jamie and Marcus took day two off (and who could blame them) but I really had a special time with Tyler. I walked him around before the parade started so he could see all of the floats. He was so cute and excited. We had lunch together and played around while waiting for the parade to end.Perhaps one of the most special things was seeing how much Tyler enjoyed throwing candy to the crowds (even if most of it had to be picked up and thrown again by those walking near the float). I hope that he always prefers the giving to the receiving.
I was "Tagged"
Four places I visit over & over:
1. My office
2. My house
3. Costco (especially their gas pumps)
Four People who e-mail-txt me regularly:
1. Ken Farr
2. Any of the guys from my fantasy baseball league
3. Word of the Day
4. My wife
Four favorite foods:
1. Most Seafood (too bad its so pricey here in UT)
2. Authentic Taiwan Breakfast (how I miss those mornings!)
3. Cafe Rio Pork Burrito (or salad)
4. My mom's meatloaf (which is also great when my wife makes it)
Four places I'd rather be:
1. Wrigley Field
2. Great Wall of China
3. Some sweet Beach somewhere
4. Goblin Valley (coolest adult playground anywhere)
Four movies I'd watch over & over (...or DO watch over & over):
1. Batman Begins
2. The Bourne Trilogy
3. Mission Impossible (I or III but not II)
4. What about Bob
Groups I love to listen to:
1. The Primary Kids in my Ward
2. They Might Be Giants (tee hee)
3. U2
4. The Ramones
Four People I am tagging (However, I won't mind if you don't respond, I'm picking you because I think you actually check my blog more than once a year):
1. Matt
2. Melissa
3. Miranda
4. Carl