I've seen this on a bunch of blogs today and though you may be burning out of it, I think it sounds fun. So, I figured that I'd give it a shot as well. Please feel free to play along.
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
8 months ago
We were at a primary activity and they had called me last minute to be a parent volunteer. You were performing a skit about looking for sea shells or something like that. I was impressed that you were really getting into the part and getting into character. Wow! It was like Shakespere in the Park!
Kent in a loud, flowery Hawaiian shirt with a huge straw hat. I remember how much fun you had at that Blue and Gold Banquet (if you didn't have fun, you put on a great show). Poor Kayden and Parker for agreeing to help you and Todd with the game! You were great in Scouts and we still miss you.
Also, I will probably totally get in trouble with Melissa for posting this on your blog but I remember her commenting on how Clayton was giving her a run for her money. She gave a big sigh and said, "I feel like I'm raising my brother, Kent."
Almost exactly three years ago (the 13th of July) we were in the accounting(I think) refresher course at BYU...and it was the night of the All Star game...although there is a chance that this memory is from earlier in that "course". I remember you and Marcus talking about it. The specific memory I have is that one you was wondering if Matt Morris got in. That's when I learned he was a Mariners fan and you were...a Cubs fan. But, I still like you.
Of course there are many, but I recall when you and Miranda were younger and less inhibited and seemed to like to take me on in wrestling matches when I came to visit my fiancée!
I remember when Tyler was minutes old(ok not really minutes) and you and Jamie came strolling by our home. We chatted with you guys and just googled over how cute and precious he was. I was ready to deliver any minute(ok REALLY any minute) and I remember thinking, "I want a baby boy as cute as Tyler."
I don't think I'll ever forget how good you were on that orange big wheel! You could really tear up the streets. I'll also never forget the look of concentration you would get on your face back when you took karate. But one of my favorite memories was when I was in college and you were in high school and we went bowling together. It was one of the first times we hung out as buddies, not just siblings.
Kent~ I only know you from our wasatch back relay extravaganza and this is my impression: you are an optimist with a love for your family, running, and doing crazy things like running the Wasatch back. I loved your jokes at our meetings and the fact that you even set up team runs...even though I couldn't make it to them.
Kent, endless memories here. I still can't get away from the fact that you and I spent so much time "working" school store in high school. I can't believe how fun that was and how much we got away with and how we actually got a letter grade of A in there. Some great memories.
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